person n. 1.人;个人。 2.〔蔑称〕家伙。 3.容貌;身体,人身;人格;本人,自身。 4.(戏剧、小说的)人物;〔常带有修饰语〕重要人物。 5. 【动物;动物学】个体;【语法】人称;【法律】自然人;法人;【神学】(三位一体的)位。 ★表示概称的人时,女性不用 man 而用 person。 She is an attractive person. 她是一个吸引人的人。 a young person 年轻人,〔常指〕年轻女人。 He has a fine person. 他风度很好。 offenses against the person 暴行。 the natural person 【法律】自然人。 the artificial [legal, juridical] person 【法律】法人。 persons of the play 出场人物。 chief persons of the state 国家的重要人物。 accept the person of 偏袒…,偏爱…。 in one's own [proper] person 亲自。 in person 1. 亲自。 2. 身体上;外貌上。 in the person of 1. 叫做…的人。 2. 体现于…。 3. 以…的资格;代表…。 no less a person than 身分不低于。 person with Aids艾滋病患者〔缩写为PWA〕。 respect of persons 偏袒;区别对待;徇私。
The property of a deceased person should remain in the gens . 死者遗产必须保存在本氏族之内。
A poem or song composed especially as a lament for a deceased person 挽歌,挽诗专门为悼念某一死者所写的诗或歌
The deceased person is my eye 死人是我的眼睛!
Analysing the confucian and taoist influence on the poem mourning a deceased person 试论儒道思想对中国古代悼亡诗的影响
Estate duty records of deceased persons for the purpose of assessing and collecting estate duty 已故人士的遗产税记录,以评定和收取遗产税。
The purpose of an inquest is to establish the identity of a deceased person and the cause and circumstances connected with the death 死因研讯的目的在于确定死者的身分,以及有关死亡的原因和情况。
To exempt from estate duty the moneys payable under the interests in a policy of insurance effected on the life of a deceased person . 规定凡根据就去世人士的寿命订立的保险单而取得的款项及权益,可获豁免缴交遗产税。
However, the monetary penalty imposed in the said circumstances will only be recovered as a debt due from and payable out of the deceased person s estate 不过,在这个情况下所徵收的罚款,只会以追讨债项形式从已故纳税人的遗产中扣除。
These are, however, very common funeral orations, and eulogies on deceased persons who have acted among mankind with some figure and reputation 然而,不少已故之人却也只能得到这样的悼词和赞语,尽管他们在社会上也曾经出头露面,声闻遐迩。